Saturday, 1 November 2008


Today was meant to be a happy day, of all things. I was going to be fencing in the Eastern Regions competition, but in the end I didn't. Not really anyway. I got there. I was in fencing gear. I fenced someone who I had fenced before, and I was not up to my usual standard. My hamstring muscle was twinging and aching. I did some stretching, and it went away. It was halfway through my first fight that my leg began to twinge again. I tried to ignore it, and I lunged. I felt a brief popping sensation before my hamstring muscle flared with a brutal agony. After the fight, I hobbled over to the benches, and stayed there for the rest of the day. As I was applying ice, I was informed that I had torn my hamstring and would not be able to fence for at least four weeks. Disaster! There goes Cambridge Leon Paul series, my school match on Monday against the UEA, my London training days. Four weeks of non-fencing! At the minute, I am still in pain, but it has dimmed slightly. Thankfully, other N.A.F fencers who were there kept me informed of their progress. I have to note they all did well.
When I first started fencing, I thought it would be exciting to be injured. I have no idea why, but I did. Now, I never want to be injured EVER AGAIN. I'll still attend my clubs though, but as a spectator.
Do not stand by my piste and weep,
I am not there, I'm on the side holding the clipboards and stopwatches.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Injuries are never without reasons. Nothing is without reasons.

It is no consolation, but your injury was meant to happen, just as it is meant to heal. Four weeks is the price for your leg back- best bet is to pay it.