Monday, 24 November 2008

And Now for Something Completely Different...

For a fencing blog, this is a totally random point. It's not exactly philosophical, and it might have a simple answer, but I'm struggling to find it. I got talking to someone about this, and we still haven't found the answer. News of the debate has spread around my school, and I hear most of my classmates discussing it. Different points are discussed, and different angles are considered. My philosophy teacher has struggled to solve it, and I am sure that may men will push their pens aside and weep before the question is answered. Maybe it will never be answered, and it will linger on as a void meaningless entity, up in the high spots with 'What is the meaning of Life?' and 'If bullets bounce off Superman's chest, how come he ducks when you throw a gun at him?'. Maybe when I am dead and buried, some faceless stranger will lay the answer on a piece of paper on my grave and walk off into the sunset. Until then, I'll ask as many people as possible. To solve this, you'll need a clear mind, some form of beverage, a calculator, a pencil and a piece of paper. Here is the question:

Who would win in a fight between the Wombles and the Clangers?

In the event of a draw, what would happen if it were the Wombles versus the Clangers and Bagpuss?

I told you it was random. There is a random side to us all, I feel.


Dave said...

Why is abbreviation such a long word?
Clangers for me, because despite the incredible improvisational skills of the Wombles the Clangers can rely on the unstoppable armoured back up of the Soup Dragon..... Besides which, the only hard Womble was Tomsk. I can't see Madame Cholet (?) being much use in a rumble... or Uncle Bulgaria for that matter.

Rob said...

I disagree.

The wombles are innovative and represent the power of inginuity, which would give them the ability to build more efficient weapons and bring down the Soup Dragon.

Madam Cholet is a cook, and as a result is permanently holding something metal and/or hot- every combatant's dream.

As for Uncle Bulgaria... I point out Yoda and rest my case, for they are one and the same.

Chris said...

The answer will be published in a few days, and I think that you wil be pleasantly surprised.