Monday 24 November 2008

Fencers on Gaming

Though I feel that I'm beginning to mature (or am I?) I still have a passion for gaming. Set me up with any console, no matter how old, and I'll get stuck in. I've only been a serious gamer for about four years, but I improve rapidly. One good game I have is a Japanese Kendo game, which I personally think is quite realistic. You choose a starting character, and train him up until he is excelling in speed, power, spirit, insight and other such attributes. You then work your way through towns, defeating dojos and wandering samurai until you begin to participate in Imperial Matches, and eventually fight your own master, and yourself in a dream like scene. It sounds weird and cliche, but it is good. I noticed while on it the other day, how the other warriors are beaten. There's this one guy, who I think is called Jengo, who's incredibly fast. He will leap upon you with many screeches, and beat you down with a bokken until you collapse. There's another called Nuatsamoa who attacks with an oar, Musashi style. My point is this: They can all be beaten. I'm sure anybody reading this will think of course they are beatable, they are computer generated pixels on a screen. I know this, but the point is that your style may change to beat them, but you can always beat them. You cannot be affected by their speed, or their power, because there is always a way around it. No opponent is unstoppable; Rocky Balboa got beaten once by Mr. T, so if he can be beaten everyone can be! It may take a while to work it out, but there is always a way. To use a matrix quotation 'They are part of a world that is limited by rules. That is why they will never be as strong or as fast as you'. There is a way around every opponent. Nick Evangelista said this, because it's true. If they are quick, upset their rhythm, if they are powerful, make them work to hit you, if they are quick and powerful, make them work harder. There is always a road. Just find it in the shrubbery.


Dave said...

Neo: So are you saying I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No, I'm saying when you're ready, you won't need to.

Sounds like an interesting game. What's it called and which platform is it on? I'm still playing games and I'm 41 so I think you don't need to worry about maturing just yet....

Chris said...

It's called Kendo: Master of Bushido for ps2. I can lend it to you if you want.